Francisco Barretto


Francisco Barretto

Brasilien • Bereitstellung von Kaffee für unsere Easy-Kategorie

Discover the aromas

The coffees from Mogiana generally have a specific profile, featuring nutty, chocolatey aromas combined with a dense and creamy body, as well as high sweetness.

Francisco's coffee, in particular, has a heavy, creamy mouthfeel and a long-lasting caramel sweetness. Aromas of pecan, toffee, and a light, juicy mandarin acidity make for a very balanced cup.


Sitio Canelá liegt auf 1400 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel in der Mogiana. Eine Region, deren Landschaft durch ihre Berg- und Hügellandschaft geprägt ist. Das Klima ist bestimmt von warmen Tagen und kalten Nächten, was zu einer langsamen und gleichmäßigen Entwicklung der Bohnen und oft zu einem höheren Zuckergehalt führt. Die ausgeprägte Regenzeit zwischen Oktober und Mai sowie die Trockenzeit zwischen Juni und September sorgen für mehr oder weniger konstante und sichere Ernte- und Trocknungsbedingungen für die meist als Naturals aufbereiteten Kaffees.


The Barretto family has been growing coffee in the Mantiqueira region since the 19th century. Francisco learned the "coffee craft" on the family farm, Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza (FAF). He took over the family business in 1981 and ran it until 2002. Since then, his sister Sylvia and her husband Marcos have been managing FAF, as Francisco decided to take a break from the coffee business. However, in 2021, he and his wife Silvia Ribeiro de Aquino bought another farm in the Mogiana region. They started with 16,000 coffee trees and have already planted an additional 11,000 trees this year.

Photos: Sebastian von Spalding

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